Little Lamb chart - Kathy Barrick
Joy Ride chart - Kathy Barrick
Quaker Christmas Stocking and Sampler chart - Kathy Barrick
Truth & Honor Sampler chart - Kathy Barrick
Beauty of Autumn, The chart - Kathy Barrick
Mighty Oak, The chart - Kathy Barrick
Happiness chart - Kathy Barrick
Visit from St. Nick chart - collaboration
Santa and the Wool Makers chart - collaboration
Rebecca chart - Kathy Barrick
Well Hidden chart - Kathy Barrick
Elisabeth Le Conte, 1786 chart - Kathy Barrick
Cookie Cutters 4 chart - Kathy Barrick
Cookie Cutters 3 chart - Kathy Barrick
Vibrant Flowers chart - Kathy Barrick
Animal Pincushions chart - Kathy Barrick
Animals at Home, on the Farm, in the Wild chart - Kathy Barrick
Caught in the Swirl chart - Kathy Barrick
Cookie Cutters 1 chart - Kathy Barrick
And Heaven and Nature Sing chart - Kathy Barrick
North Pole chart - Kathy Barrick
Winter Sampler, A chart - Kathy Barrick
Spooky Halloween Labels
Come on In chart - Kathy Barrick
'Tis Near Halloween chart - Kathy Barrick
Good Intentions Revisited chart - Kathy Barrick
Good Intentions chart - Kathy Barrick
Crowns of Blue chart - Kathy Barrick
Nomenclature of Color: Blue chart - Kathy Barrick
Stars in My Garden chart - Kathy Barrick