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4475 SW Scholls Ferry Rd, Suite 158, Portland, OR 97225 / 503-292-4457

Hannah Hetherington chart - From the Heart

Hannah's Sampler stitch count is 240w x 178h
Hannah's Flowers stitch count is 285w x 70h
Hannah's Mini Sampler stitch count is 101w x 66h

Hannah's Sampler is stitched on 36 ct Cocoa linen from Weeks Dye Works
Hannah's Flowers and Hannah's Mini Sampler were stitched on 36 ct Faun linen from Picture This Plus

Hannah's Sampler was stitched with Dinky Dyes Silks: cottesloe, cocoa bean, dark chocolate, nutwood, first rain, tidal, dreamtime, kakadu, evergreen charcoal.

Hannah's Flowers is stitched with Gloriana Silks and One Silk 'N Colors from The Thread Gatherer:
        Gloriana: honey bonze, hazelnut dark, coffee bean, brick, attic blue, pacific blue dark, olivine, thistle green, charcoal
        Silk 'N Colors: Lotus Flower

Hannah's Mini Sampler is stited with Weeks Dye Works over-dyed cotton threads:
        WDW: straw, mocha, grapevine, red pear, jay bird, dolphin, twilight, oilcloth, caper, pelican gray

A full DMC conversion is included for each of the three colorways.