1897 Schoolhouse Samplers
Abby Rose Designs
Alessandra Adelaide Needleworks
All Through the Night
Amy Bruecken Designs
Annie Beez Folk Art
Ardith Design
Artful Offerings
Atelier Soed Idee
Autumn Lane
Avlea Folk Embroidery
Barbara Ana Designs
Bendy Stitchy
Bent Creek
Blackberry Lane
Blackbird Designs
Blue Flower
Blueberry Ridge Design
Boulder Valley Stitching
By the Bay Needleart
ByGone Stitches
Carolina House Designs
Carolyn Manning Designs
Carriage House Samplings
Cherry Hill Stitchery
Chessie & Me
Collection Tralala
Cosford Rise Stitchery
Cottage Garden Samplings
Counting Puddles
Country Cottage Needleworks
Cross Eyed Cricket
Cross Stitch Antiques
Cross Stitch Sanctuary
Cuore E Batticuore
Darling & Whimsy Designs
DebBee's Designs
Digital Download Charts (PDF)
Dirty Annie's
Doherty Designs
Dutch Treat Designs
EJV Designs
Elizabeth's Needlework Designs
Erica Michaels
Erin Elizabeth Designs
Fairy Wool in the Wood
Faithwurks Designs
Fern Ridge
Finally a Farmgirl
Fireside Originals
Fox & Rabbit Designs
Foxwood Crossings
From the Heart
Frony Ritter
Gentle Pursuit Designs
Glendon Place
Giula Punti Antichi
Hands Across the Sea Samplers
Hands on Design
Hands To Work
Heart in Hand
Heart's Ease Examplar Works
Heartstring Samplery
Hello from Liz Mathews
Homespun Elegance
Hot House Petunia Designs
Ink Circles
Jan Hicks Creates!
Jardin Prive
JBW Designs
Jeannette Douglas Designs
Just Nan
Just Stitching Along
Kathy Barrick
Kitty and Me Designs
Knotted Tree Needle Art
La D Da
Lila's Studio
Lindy Stitches
Little House Needleworks
Little Robin Designs
Little Stitch Girl
Lola Crow
Long Dog Samplers
Lucy Beam
luhu stitches
Luminous Fiber Arts
Madame Chantilly
Mani di Donna
Maximum Cross Stitch
Meridian Designs
Milady's Needle
Mill Hill
Modern Folk Embroidery
Mojo Stitches
Monticello Stitches
MTV Designs
My Big Toe Designs
My Sister's Samplers
Nebby Needle
Needle Bling Designs
Needle Delights Originals
Needlemade Designs
NeedleWork Press
New York Dreamer
Nora Corbett
Noteworthy Needle
Notforgotten Farm
October House Fiber Arts
Olde Colonial Designs
Olde Willow Stitchery
Pansy Patch
Pepperberry Designs
Petal Pusher
Pickle Barrel Designs
Pineberry Lane
Pixel Pixie
Plum Street Samplers
Prairie Schooler
Praiseworthy Stitches
Primitive Hare
Primrose Cottage Stitches
Quaint Rose NeedleArts
Quaternion Creations
Queenstown Sampler Designs
Raise the Roof
Rebel Stitcher
Red Barn Samplers
Reflets de Soie
Robin Pickens
Romy's Creations
Rosewood Manor
Running With Needles and Scissors
Salty Stitcher
Sambrie Stitches
Samplers Not Forgotten
Samplers Remembered
Satin Stitches
Satsuma Street
Scissor Tail Designs
Serenita di Campagna
Shakespeare's Peddler
Shannon Christine Designs
Shepherd's Bush
Silver Creek Samplers
Sprouting Lupine
Stacy Nash Primitives
Stitches by Ethel
Stitching with the Housewives
Stitchy Prose
Stoney Creek
Sue Hillis Designs
Summer House Stitche Workes
Sweet Wing Studio
Tellin Emblem
Tempting Tangles
Teresa Kogut
The Artsy Housewife
The Bee Cottage
The Blackberry Rabbit
The Elegant Thread
The Little Stitcher
The Proper Stitcher
The Sampler Company
The Scarlett House
The Stitching Parlor
The Stitching Studio
The Sweetheart Tree
Thread Milk Design
Tiny Modernist
Traveling Stitcher
Twin Peak Primitives
Val's Stuff
Violets & Verses
Waxing Moon Designs
Whispered by the Wind
With My Needle
With Thy Needle & Thread
World on a String
Works by ABC
Yasmin's Made with Love
Log Cabin 8: Log Cabin Christmas chart - Little House Needleworks
Jenny's House chart - Shakespeare's Peddler
Good Shepherd, The chart - Shakespeare's Peddler
Betsy Ross Quaker chart - Twin Peak Primitives
Simple Gifts: Haunted chart - Praiseworthy Stitches
Spooked chart - Val's Stuff
Post Office kit - Mill Hill
Spirits Tower, The chart - Primitive Hare, The
Jane Austen chart - Primitive Hare, The
Mushrooms Witch chart - Primitive Hare, The
1596 Mermaids chart - Primitive Hare, The
Seasons Series booklet - World on a String by Dara
Keeper of the Bees chart - World on a String by Dara
Vintage Farmhouse Sampler chart - Pansy Patch Quilts and Stitchery
Garden House chart - Pansy Patch Quilts and Stitchery
Potting House chart - Pansy Patch Quilts and Stitchery
Winter Garden at Cranberry Manor chart - Pansy Patch Quilts and Stitchery
Eleonore Lenseigne 1887 chart - Reflets de Soie
Angele Chenneviere 1888 chart - Reflets de Soie
Jack-o Lantern chart - Stitching with the Housewives
Bittersweet Boulevard chart - Stitching with the Housewives
Fairy House chart - Cottage Garden Samplings
Merry Autumn Pinkeep - Stacy Nash
Nettle chart - Stacy Nash
Feathered Nest Pin Book - Stacy Nash
Needlepoint Now September/October 2024
Words to Live By Thanksgiving chart - Sambrie Stitches
Love Story chart - Sambrie Stitches
Shalom chart - Sambrie Stitches
Camping Bigfoot chart - Sambrie Stitches