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4475 SW Scholls Ferry Rd, Suite 158, Portland, OR 97225 / 503-292-4457
Acorns & Threads does not yet have an on-line catalog or shopping cart, but we're working on it! We carry a wide variety of charts, fabrics, threads and accessories in our brick and mortar store. If we don't have what you are looking for in stock, we can get it for you. Here is a clickable list of websites of major distributors we order from weekly or every other week. There are many other distributors and vendors we order from, as well, so if you don't see what you are looking for on one of these sites, send a request and we will respond!

Hoffman Distributing

Wichelt Imports (includes Mill Hill)

Yarn Tree

To start your order, please complete the form below.  Please do NOT include any credit card information in the form.  We will contact you for your payment information.  
